We partner up with some of the best attorneys in the USA and Latin America to help you get the job done. Weather its real estate, civil or immigration. Over the last 30 years we have developed relationships with key attorneys, institutions and key community leaders in Latin American Countries such as Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Chile and many more. We can have your legal documents prepared in your home country or here in the USA and notarized by us or the local NY consulate of your native country so as to have the notary seal of the highest authority possible.
-Bill Of Sale Real Estate, Auto, Business.
-Lease Preparation & Review
-Powers Of Attorney Documents.
-Powers Of Attorney Documents.
-Real Estate Loan Document Signings.
-Mortgage Contracts.
-Demand For Payment Law Suits.
-Private Loan Contracts.
-Child Travel Letters & Permits.
-Document Translations English/Spanish.
-Sworn Statements.
-Complete List Of Immigration Services.